Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A view of summer from water level. I love these long, warm days.


Summer and water,
Sure as mittens and snow
(Winter forgotten,
Pushed under
Like tax forms
Far from April).

Wave slaps hull
Like a trucker’s pat to a
Broad-beamed waitress, then
The Four-Knot Hiss in the hull’s
Wake as it shoulders wind,
Leaning gladly into discipline
More compelling than taxes:
Wanting to move, plug into the
Big Machine, scamper, schoon.

Hisssssssss, click click click:
An old-fashioned lawn sprinkler.
Chattering bite of steel-shaved ice
From an ice-house block for
Sno-cones. Ridiculous fairy-tale
Jingles too loud from itinerant
Ice-cream trucks wandering circuits
Of ball-kicking-hot, yelling-thirsty
Playgrounds, jingling their bright
Sweet frozen water on sticks.

Night ringing jubilation
By careless halyards in an
Anchorage of summer loving
Boats disremembering
Their winter months of cold
Under wet tarred canvas
In the pitiless yard.
Forget. Remember only

Novato, CA
25 July 2011


Himself remembers too much and does too little. He works through these beautiful days when he should be sharing them with family, friends, loved ones. I should kick him in the ass but I'm too cynical.

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