Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Wonders. Wonders arrive daily.
Spectacular offers; by mail,
e-mail. My cellphone vibrates
With exciting text notices:
Free! Free! Freedom
Was never this close,
This easy, this cheap.
Surely news of the
Second Coming was caught
In my spam filter.
Free at last, free at last,
Thank god o’plenty,
Free at last.
Bonus points! I may
Have them without doing
My Boy Scout’s daily
Good Deed (“Sorry,
Madam; I’ve done
For the day. Perhaps
Another, needier Scout
Will pass this way?”)
And the miles given
Absolutely free that
I may soar above the
Clouds! Free Flyer Miles
Angels know naught of,
Because they fly
On the clock.
I may have won a
Timeshare condo in
Iceland or Biarritz
With coupons for
Milk and Honey.
I may extend my penis
To reach luscious teen
‘Tang or webchat with
Naughty luscious MILFs
Disrobing, disrobed,
Disturbed to distraction by
Needs to satisfy my
Luscious lascivious.
Founding Fathers
Feel fulfilled, such
Free Dom: Mistress Stiletto
Offers Free humiliation
And chastisement. (Bless
You, Mistress, but I’ve
Done H & C for the day.)
Last Tuesday
I sat in my car,
Agape, appalled, filled with
Gratitude and dread,
Holding an offer from
The Trident Society
(Note to Poseidon: I
Had nothing to do with
That Troy business)
Trumpeting in print
On its tasteful
Envelope, “Free! Inside!
You may have won a free
I declined to open
This envelope, hoping
This constitutes
My polite and grateful
Decline of the kind
Offer. My fingers
Handled this tasteful
By its edges, Depositing
It gently, warily in the
Recycling bin near
The mailbox as if
It were a Free Offer
From Unabomber,
Knowing even then
That it would return,
Recycling too damn swiftly,
Appearing innocuously
With a coupon for
Adult Incontinence
And a followup text
Message from Death:
“Today Only.”

Braxinoso Speaks:

How he does go on. Ever the "other," he crouches outside the mainstream in the thin parts of the bell curve and watches society glide past, delighting in this or that bit of sparkle, plucking random shininess like a jackdaw, a perennial rube.